More Time to Pay | Rhode Island Energy Rhode Island Energy
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Rhode Island

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1 Important Alert(s)

Changes Are Coming

On August 19, some important changes are coming. New bill design, new website, new payment processes and more. Visit to see what’s changing and how it may affect you.

More Time to Pay

If you are unable to pay your bill on time, we offer two types of payment extensions that can help. Use the chart below to find out whether a Collection Arrangement or Payment Agreement is right for you.
Collection Arrangement Payment Agreement
Payment solution Your full bill amount will be split into two installments. A 50% down payment plus 2 additional monthly installments added to your future bills. Both are calculated based on your current account balance.
When is payment due? The two installment dates are determined at time of enrollment, with final installment due within 42 days. Every month when the current charges are billed.
Late payment charges Assessed on the overdue balance, during the time the agreement remains active. Assessed on the overdue balance, during the time the agreement remains active.
Length of plan Up to 42 days, determined at time of enrollment. Calculated based on current account balance up to 2 months.
Eligibility rules
  1. You must have an active account
  2. Your service cannot be supplied by an alternative energy supplier
  3. Your account cannot be “cash only”
  4. You cannot be enrolled in budget billing or a payment agreement
  1. You must have an active account
  2. Your service cannot be supplied by an alternative energy supplier
  3. Your account cannot be “cash only”
  4. You cannot be enrolled in budget billing or a collection arrangement
Contact Credit & Collections

Electric:  1-855-RIE-1104
Gas:  1-855-RIE-1103
Monday - Friday, 7:00am - 9:00pm
Saturday, 7:00am - 5:00pm