Why Save Energy? | Rhode Island Energy Rhode Island Energy
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1 Important Alert(s)

Changes Are Coming

On August 19, some important changes are coming. New bill design, new website, new payment processes and more. Visit RIEnergy.com/changes to see what’s changing and how it may affect you.

Why Save Energy

Why save energy? Because it's good for business and better for everyone.

Rhode Island Energy is committed to using less energy, and we want you to join us. Why?

Energy-efficient practices are good for your business. They increase your building’s property values and substantially lower your energy bills. They reduce equipment maintenance costs and create a better environment for employees. And they can even help boost your company’s image, since today’s customers prefer environmentally conscious businesses. In the bigger picture, sustainable practices bring new jobs to our economy, put less strain on our infrastructure, and help the environment. With all these benefits, it is no wonder more companies are viewing energy efficiency as an essential business asset.

Whether helping delis or data centers, we provide businesses of all types and sizes with guidance, technical assistance, no-cost energy assessments, and more.

How can you start saving right now? Check out these Energy-Saving Tips for Business.

Or learn more about our Energy Efficiency Programs and Services for Business.