Automated Payments | Rhode Island Energy Rhode Island Energy
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Rhode Island

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1 Important Alert(s)

Changes Are Coming

On August 19, some important changes are coming. New bill design, new website, new payment processes and more. Visit to see what’s changing and how it may affect you.

Automated Payments

Never miss another payment! Enroll in Recurring Payments to have your full bill amount automatically deducted from your bank account. That's one less thing to remember next month!

Enroll Now

To learn more about the program and other options:

Recurring Payments
Payment Amount Full bill amount Maximum amount Fixed amount
How often payment is withdrawn Once per billing period Once per billing period Weekly, biweekly (every two weeks), or monthly
When payment is withdrawn On the bill due date On the bill due date Starting on your chosen date
Plan expiration date Does not expire until you cancel or you may select an end date and receive a reminder when the end date nears. Expires on the end date you select. You will get reminders when the end date nears.
When does the plan begin? For all recurring plans:
Your first recurring payment can go through as early as the day after you set up the plan
Ready to get started? Enroll Now